Saturday 3 March 2012

I just had a think!

Hello again. How are you? That's good. Oh my god, no way! She did not! How could she?!

Now that all our pleasantries are out of the way, let's get down to business. I have a question for your ears and some ideas for your brain.

Question time, question time, question time!

What is something insanely sweet I can do for my girlfriend while we're apart? Right now I'm in Canada and she's...somewhere(Fucking creepers...I'm not telling you where she is) So what's something lovely and sweet I can do for my sweet and lovely girlfriend that doesn't involve touching or being near each other? (Marshmallow, you can answer this too, but just don't make it obvious it's you. And don't use your name or our pet names or any reference to our love. I don't want people knowing who you are)

Now for the ideas for your brains! They're for new Thomzel stories, since Let Love Begin will be coming to an end in about five chapters :(

Idea #1- Idina, instead of doing RENT, goes to Julliard, where she meets Tracie and ends up being her roommate.

Idea #2- Idina is working on Wicked and Tracie, who is working as the choreographer, catches her eye. There would be no Tidina. It would be Chenzel and Thomsinosa(Tracie and Eden Espinosa) in the beginning, but will eventually become Thomzel.

So, what do you think of each of those? Just give me honest feedback, but no all out bashing me and my ideas! Also, answer to the first question!

Thank you, my lovelies!

Sunday 26 February 2012

I'm baaaaaaaaaack!

Yes, it's moi! I'm finally back and shocked as hell to see I have gained THREE followers! I was stunned to say the least! I haven't posted here in approximately forever and a half, so I thought I'd start again! I'm sure you've all missed me!

I recently posted a new chapter so hooray for that! I'd love it you'd all review either here or on FF! I love you all, some of you more than others ;) You know who you are... <3

Any ideas for what should happen next in 'Let Love Begin'?

Also, I'd like to inform all of you that someone who goes by the name of 'traciidanarentluv' will be posting a new Thomzel fic! Check it out and review it when she posts it!

Thanks for all the support and love! Mwah! Comment, my lovelies!

Sunday 14 August 2011

New Chapter of Let Love Begin

So, my whole TWO followers, what did you think of the chapter? Anything you want to suggest, criticize, praise? All of the above are acceptable.

Also, if you are an anonymous commenter, fan, Thomzel lover, etc. what did you think? I always like to know! Also, what do you think should happen?

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Hi, my lovelies!

So, big news! Like, insanely huge! Ground breaking, earth shattering, mind blowing, eye popping news! Like Oprah's chest big!

I HAVE TWO FOLLOWERS! Yes, it's truly amazing. A miracle must have taken place!

I haven't posted in awhile, but I'd like to inform all you little Thomzel Lovers(or haters, depending.)I have started a few Thomzel one shots and a new chapter story that may or not get posted on Fanfiction. It depends on if people like that idea!

That's all.

Wednesday 13 July 2011


Thank you to the whole one person following me! And to the whole ONE person who commented! I'm glad to know I'm not totally off my rocker! Any special requests for things to post?

Monday 20 June 2011

Am I writing to no one?

I see you there. Sitting smugly at your computer, possible laughing at my ridiculousness for posting on this blog. For trying to create a pairing no ones gives a damn about.

While you're sitting there, laughing smugly at me, take a second to tell me that you're laughing.

Perhaps you are laughing at my ridiculousness. Or perhaps at how amazing my blog really is. Or just nervously laughing because you don't know quite how to respond to this. My guess is it's either the third or first one.

No matter why you're laughing, please tell me about it. Perhaps in vivid detail. Or just with a simple 'LOL'. Just let me know you actually are here. I talk to myself enough, I don't need to blog to myself as well.

Inform me of your presence! In a comment or subscription! Yes, I'm being pushy! But god dammit, I don't care! Let yourself be known! Come into the light! Don't be afraid to wear your support of Thomzel on your chest with pride!(That does not mean I am making T-shirts. If you choose to make a shirt, tell me!)

Much love and care,


Something I thought was kind of awesome for all of us Thomzel lovers

So, I was reading Ms. Thoms' old Myspace entries and I came across a certain FAQ she did a while back. It was a bunch of questions people were always asking her and one particular answer made me smile like an idiot. I shall share this one particular answer with you. Quoted right from the blog, here it is:

Is Idina a good kisser? Yes :-)

It made me smile. A lot. I was literally just staring at my computer screen with a cheesy ass grin on my face. I hope it made you Thomzel lovers smile as well!