Monday 20 June 2011

Am I writing to no one?

I see you there. Sitting smugly at your computer, possible laughing at my ridiculousness for posting on this blog. For trying to create a pairing no ones gives a damn about.

While you're sitting there, laughing smugly at me, take a second to tell me that you're laughing.

Perhaps you are laughing at my ridiculousness. Or perhaps at how amazing my blog really is. Or just nervously laughing because you don't know quite how to respond to this. My guess is it's either the third or first one.

No matter why you're laughing, please tell me about it. Perhaps in vivid detail. Or just with a simple 'LOL'. Just let me know you actually are here. I talk to myself enough, I don't need to blog to myself as well.

Inform me of your presence! In a comment or subscription! Yes, I'm being pushy! But god dammit, I don't care! Let yourself be known! Come into the light! Don't be afraid to wear your support of Thomzel on your chest with pride!(That does not mean I am making T-shirts. If you choose to make a shirt, tell me!)

Much love and care,



  1. Hey!! Just wanted to let u know someone is here! I learned bout this blog thru ur fanfiction account and just wanted to say, i love ur stories! And that idea u posted about a couple posts down sounds wonderful. Wouldnt want u to not post it or something just cause no one responded... so here i am! Responding! Cant wait to read it!

    1. I am here! And you're not crazy. ^^ I've read your fics on ;) I'm a crazy stalker, stalking your account. 8D
      Just thought you might want to know. :)
