Sunday 14 August 2011

New Chapter of Let Love Begin

So, my whole TWO followers, what did you think of the chapter? Anything you want to suggest, criticize, praise? All of the above are acceptable.

Also, if you are an anonymous commenter, fan, Thomzel lover, etc. what did you think? I always like to know! Also, what do you think should happen?

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Hi, my lovelies!

So, big news! Like, insanely huge! Ground breaking, earth shattering, mind blowing, eye popping news! Like Oprah's chest big!

I HAVE TWO FOLLOWERS! Yes, it's truly amazing. A miracle must have taken place!

I haven't posted in awhile, but I'd like to inform all you little Thomzel Lovers(or haters, depending.)I have started a few Thomzel one shots and a new chapter story that may or not get posted on Fanfiction. It depends on if people like that idea!

That's all.

Wednesday 13 July 2011


Thank you to the whole one person following me! And to the whole ONE person who commented! I'm glad to know I'm not totally off my rocker! Any special requests for things to post?

Monday 20 June 2011

Am I writing to no one?

I see you there. Sitting smugly at your computer, possible laughing at my ridiculousness for posting on this blog. For trying to create a pairing no ones gives a damn about.

While you're sitting there, laughing smugly at me, take a second to tell me that you're laughing.

Perhaps you are laughing at my ridiculousness. Or perhaps at how amazing my blog really is. Or just nervously laughing because you don't know quite how to respond to this. My guess is it's either the third or first one.

No matter why you're laughing, please tell me about it. Perhaps in vivid detail. Or just with a simple 'LOL'. Just let me know you actually are here. I talk to myself enough, I don't need to blog to myself as well.

Inform me of your presence! In a comment or subscription! Yes, I'm being pushy! But god dammit, I don't care! Let yourself be known! Come into the light! Don't be afraid to wear your support of Thomzel on your chest with pride!(That does not mean I am making T-shirts. If you choose to make a shirt, tell me!)

Much love and care,


Something I thought was kind of awesome for all of us Thomzel lovers

So, I was reading Ms. Thoms' old Myspace entries and I came across a certain FAQ she did a while back. It was a bunch of questions people were always asking her and one particular answer made me smile like an idiot. I shall share this one particular answer with you. Quoted right from the blog, here it is:

Is Idina a good kisser? Yes :-)

It made me smile. A lot. I was literally just staring at my computer screen with a cheesy ass grin on my face. I hope it made you Thomzel lovers smile as well!

Sunday 19 June 2011

For all my fanfiction readers...

Why hello there! I'm assuming most of you guys know me as Fanzel, from Fanfiction! I'm also assuming a lot of you have read Let Love Begin, my long running Thomzel fiction!

Since all of us here are accepting people, I hope none of you are judging me because I'm odd enough to spend my time writing about a little shipped pairing! Don't worry if you are, though. I often judge myself for that reason.

Anyway! From the prompt of a user on the Fanfiction who shall remain unnamed for know, I am starting a new Thomzel fiction! The general gist of it is:

It's 1996 and Tracie Thoms is cast as the understudy for Fredi Walker. Idina is intrigued by the talented understudy and falls for her, but not without the trials of a jealous Fredi. And what's with all the looks she's getting from the man playing the yuppie scum?

Does it sound good, or just f***ing ridiculous?

I hope it sounds good! But I can't take full credit for the idea! The unnamed user who suggested it will take the credit for the brilliant idea! If you're reading this, unnamed user(you know who you are) thank you for the brilliant idea!

A cute Thomzel picture to start us off!

Here is a personal favorite picture of mine! Super cuteness!
You gotta love 'em!

First Post! Wow!

Hello all! This coming to you live from wherever I currently am! Let's get the basics established!

Our Goal: To bring Thomzel out from hiding and let it blossom as a widely shipped, entirely fictional couple right next to Chenzel and Trasario!

A disclaimer: We here at Thomzel Love fully understand that Idina Menzel and Tracie Thoms are real people and that Thomzel is entirely made up and untrue. We do not make money from this! It is purely for fun and no harm is meant It is simply the wonderful creation of our minds!

A favor I'd like to ask of you: Please, no bashing! No Tidina, Chenzel, Trasario or other shippers bashing our site! This is purely for fun! We don't and won't bash others! And the same applies to you Thomzel shippers! No bashing other pairings! We are a friendly environment here! No bashing of any sort! If you dislike something, please inform us in a pleasant, nonviolent way.

Show your support! I'll be posting soon! Videos, pictures and anything I can figure out how to get on here!

Please wait patiently for more updates and posts!

That is all.(Miranda Priestly voice)